2020 Project Recap & 2021 Project Outlook

Happy almost New Year! Baby Shiloh was the highlight of the year for us but we managed to complete and/or start a few projects around the Daly Digs. Here’s a recap of the home projects we accomplished in 2020 and a preview of what’s to come in 2021.

2020 Project Recap

  • Back Patio Gravel Extension – To tide us over until we get a pool, we added a gravel entertaining space off of our back patio. It was a quick, inexpensive weekend project and one we get a lot of use out of.

  • Nursery – We turned an untouched, drab upstairs bedroom into a cute nursery for our little gal. We installed the custom vertical wall paneling and whimsical wallpaper and completely transformed the room.



green girls nursery with wallpaper

  • Nursery Bathroom – While we were at it in the nursery, we decided to do a quick, budget-friendly makeover of the nursery en suite bathroom. Although we came in a little over-budget, I wouldn’t change a thing and I’m so glad we finished it before baby Shiloh arrived.



nursery bathroom

  • Porch Ceiling – Our front porch has been a work in progress. Last year, we stained the decking, added brick steps, and this year we finally replaced the run-down drywall porch ceiling with PVC beadboard.


  • Guest Bedroom Refresh – Our most recent project is the makeover of our guest bedroom. We made a ton of progress in the last few weeks and I’m excited to finish this project in the new year.

  • Baby Shiloh – Last but not least, our most exciting project of the year was the birth of our baby girl. It has been a whirlwind of an experience but she’s added so much joy to our lives and I’m excited to continue to make our house our forever home with her in it.

2021 Outlook

  • A big project – We haven’t done a large-scale project since our kitchen renovation, so it’s time. I hinted that a pool would be our next big project but we may be shifting gears. It’s a little too early to spill the beans, but if it all works out, I will be sharing a large-scale project with you soon. 🙂
  • Laundry Room – Our laundry room is really sad. It has original tile, the same ugly orange trim that the rest of our house was covered in and it’s always a mess because I don’t have any storage. I’d love to tackle this room. I’ve pinned a lot of inspiration!
  • Main Bedroom Updates – I did a mini refresh in our bedroom this year but the space is far from finished. I have plans to add an electric fireplace, beams on the ceiling, and decorative wall molding. We may not get to all of that right away but I hope to complete at least two of the three things in 2021.
  • Chicken Coop – Our chicken coop is still not done. Those of you that have been around a while know that we started this project yearssss ago! Hah. It’s finished enough for the chickens to live in, but it’s not complete on the exterior so I haven’t shared much. I promise the chicken coop will be done this year!
  • Play Room – Our upstairs bonus room/flex space is one I have never shared. The room has never served a purpose, really. Currently, it houses our Peloton, a day bed, and is a landing zone for miscellaneous stuff. We will likely make it into a designated kids play room. There is a closet I’d love to open up and create space for some built-ins. Mike doesn’t know that yet. 😉 Here’s the floorplan of our house if you’re confused as to where this space is located.
  • Fireplace Resurfacing – This is a little optimistic but resurfacing the great room fireplace has come up in conversation more lately which is encouraging. As you may know, we painted it when we first moved in…which has disappointed many of my followers. Waht you may not realize is that the fireplace stone is not real. It’s faux river rock and I painted it white so it would blend in and not attract attention. The plan has always been to resurface it in stone. This may not happen but a girl can dream. Here is some inspiration:



As always there will be small updates and continuous zhooshing, but those are some of the projects we’re hoping to accomplish in the new year. Be sure to follow along on Instagram and Pinterest.

Thank you all for being here!

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Hey, I'm Becky!

I’m just a girl who loves home. Follow along as we renovate, decorate and live in our fixer-upper farmhouse, the Daly Digs.

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