The time has come to convert Shiloh’s nursery into a big girl room for our sweet, sassy, girlie girl 3-year-old. We are keeping the wallpaper but will repaint the green millwork, replace her crib with a queen-sized big girl bed, remove the glider, and bring in a few new accessories.
But first, one last look at her sweet green nursery.

This room is so special and the change is bittersweet.

Shiloh’s Big Girl Room
A while back we switched her from the crib to a queen mattress directly on the floor. I loved this Montessori way of approaching the transition because it took her some time to get her bearings. The first few nights and occasionally afterward, she’d end up with part of her body on the floor or orient her body sideways in the bed, the same direction she laid in the crib. I chose a queen bed and not a twin or full because I didn’t want to transition her again. Her room isn’t huge, but it can accommodate a queen-sized bed. She doesn’t tend to play much in her room, most of her toys are in the playroom. I also like the idea of having a queen-sized bed in case we ever need to use it for guests.

First things first, chose a new paint color for her walls. The wallpaper is staying but the green millwork will be painted. She loves pink and purple so I chose some muted, soft tones as a jumping-off point. I also got a few fabric swatches for the bed we picked for her.

We looked at them next to the wallpaper for a while and eventually narrowed it down to four options. She chose the first one, a muted purple-ish color, Dressy Rose by Sherwin Williams. It goes nicely with the purple tones in the wallpaper.

Once the paint was finalized, I decided on a sage green linen fabric for her bed and incorporated pink into her bedding. We are refreshing some of her decor and accessories, too.
Shiloh’s Big Girl Room Mood Board

Wallpaper / Paint / Bed / Ruffle Pillow / Swan / Rug / Side Table / Sheets / Blanket / Quilt / Shams / Dresser / Bunny Frame / Mushroom Decor / Vase / Flowers
Shop the look:

It’s the same sweet room, just a big girl version that feels like her while still fitting in with the rest of the home. I think this room with grow with her and suit her for a while.